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CatalogModelsWide&Deep TF2 checkpoint (Base, 128k, AMP, NVTabular, Multihot)

Wide&Deep TF2 checkpoint (Base, 128k, AMP, NVTabular, Multihot)

Logo for Wide&Deep TF2 checkpoint (Base, 128k, AMP, NVTabular, Multihot)
Wide&Deep Base TensorFlow2 checkpoint trained with AMP on NVTabular preprocessed dataset with multihot embeddings
NVIDIA Deep Learning Examples
Latest Version
April 4, 2023
702.85 MB

Model Overview

Wide & Deep Recommender model.

Model Architecture

Wide & Deep refers to a class of networks that use the output of two parts working in parallel - wide model and deep model - to make a binary prediction of CTR. The wide model is a linear model of features together with their transforms. The deep model is a series of five hidden MLP layers of 1,024 neurons. The model can handle both numerical continuous features as well as categorical features represented as dense embeddings. The architecture of the model is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The architecture of the Wide & Deep model.


This model was trained using script available on NGC and in GitHub repo.


The following datasets were used to train this model:

  • Outbrain - Dataset containing a sample of users’ page views and clicks, as observed on multiple publisher sites in the United States between 14-June-2016 and 28-June-2016. Each viewed page or clicked recommendation is further accompanied by some semantic attributes of those documents.


Performance numbers for this model are available in NGC.



This model was trained using open-source software available in Deep Learning Examples repository. For terms of use, please refer to the license of the script and the datasets the model was derived from.