

Logo for BodyMarker/PhenoBody
DDH, INC is a digital health company specializing in medical image analytics. DDH has created an analytics platform to automate and simplify the imaging pipeline. Various deep learning models have been integrated using a mesh-network architecture to facilitate evaluation of the entire body for structural and functional information. Until Technology Becomes a Miracle, Thinking only about the life and safety of a person, DDH open up a bright future of medical technology.
Latest Tag
April 4, 2023
Compressed Size
3.49 GB
Multinode Support
Multi-Arch Support

What is BodyMarker/PhenoBody?

DDH, INC. is a digital health company specializing in medical image analytics. DDH has created an analytics platform to automate and simplify the imaging pipeline. Various deep learning models have been integrated using a mesh-network architecture to facilitate evaluation of the entire body for structural and functional information. Until Technology Becomes a Miracle, Thinking only about the life and safety of a person, DDH open up a bright future of medical technology.

[PHENOMX, INC] (Â is transforming global healthcare delivery by leveraging the full potential of MRI. By promoting an upstream, quantitative imaging solution, PhenoMx technology can monitor and measure organ-specific, regional, or whole-body phenotypic changes to an individual's body, over time. The services fit within value-based care models, provide a quantitative tool to measure the impact of social determinants of health, serve concierge clients including high-performance athletes and usher in a new era of personalized healthcare.

MRI is a non-invasive no-radiation modality that enables evaluation of the body to provide overall health status indication. The BodyMarker or PhenoBody solution serves a digital physical examination via quantitative tissue analysis. With a mere 15-20 minute full body scan and AI-based automated processing, a personalized body composition estimation can be obtained. This information serves to understands individuals exercise and nutrition needs while also identifying potential risks such as metabolic diseases, cardiac disease, diabetes, etc. This solution facilitates for an accessible primary care involving wellness screening and health tracking. With time, this can be extended beyond the individuals to positively impact entire populations. Almost 95% of conditions can be detected early and treated by such a holistic approach.

Check Your License

BodyMarker/PhenoBody is a test solution that provides quantitative information about different tissue types in the abdominal region. These predictions should not be used directly in actual medical practice and are provided only as a reference. The patient information of DICOM file uploaded by the experimenter is anonymized and saved. The data used for the test may be used for our publication or presentation.

This solution is only for research purposes or for use via approved pilots. For any questions on use agreements or request for specific usages, please write to us at the below email.

Quickstart Guide for MATLAB on NGC

This quickstart guide will help you launch the BodyMarker / PhenoBody container.

If you are using a cloud service provider, ensure that you set up appropriate firewall settings when you launch your instance so that you can connect to the instance from your client machine (in AWS this is via the Security Group settings).

Open a terminal and connect to the docker host from your client machine. Log in to NVIDIA GPU Cloud container registry.

Before running the container, use docker pull to ensure an up-to-date image is installed.

  1. In the Tags section, locate the container image release that you want to run.

  2. In the Pull column, click the icon to copy the docker pull command.

  3. Execute the pull command on the docker host machine. It may take several minutes to pull the container image. Once the pull is complete, you can launch the container.

Launch the container. A typical command to launch the container is

## Loading (only one time)
docker load -i wb-unet_0.2.tar.gz

## Running application
docker run -it --rm -v :/workspace/wb-unet/in-dicom -v :/workspace/wb-unet/out-png ddh/wb-unet:0.2 /workspace/wb-unet/script/


  • -it means run in interactive mode

  • --rm will delete the container when finished

  • -v is Òvolume mode"

If you are using a cloud service provider or your host or client machines are protected by a firewall, you must set up SSH tunnels between your client machine and the docker host to access the container desktop.

When you are done, close the container session by typing exit from the container terminal.

Additional Information

For detailed instructions, options, and examples, please write to us.

Technical Support

Email:Â Email:Â