Linux / amd64
Linux / arm64
CUDA Quantum is a comprehensive framework for quantum programming. It features:
Using the CUDA Quantum NGC Container requires the host system to have the following installed:
Docker Engine or Singularity
NVIDIA GPU Drivers (instructions for datacenters)
For supported versions, see the release notes. No other installation, compilation, or dependency management is required.
The CUDA-Q image is available built for CUDA 12 and for CUDA 11.
Note: Support for CUDA 11 will be removed in future releases. Please update to CUDA 12.
Adjust the tags in the following commands to select a version compatible with your driver. To pull the 0.10.0 container image built for CUDA 12 with Docker, enter the command:
docker pull
To run an interactive container with Docker, enter the command:
docker run --gpus all -it
More detailed instructions for working with our container image, including alternative ways of pulling and running the container image, can be found in the CUDA Quantum documentation
For more information about running your first CUDA Quantum application, please take a look at our Quick Start.
The CUDA Quantum documentation and source code is hosted on GitHub. Learn more about using NVIDIA Quantum Cloud here, and also take a look at the NVIDIA CUDA Quantum homepage.
CUDA Quantum is an open source project. The source code is available on GitHub and licensed under Apache License 2.0. CUDA Quantum makes use of the NVIDIA cuQuantum SDK to enable high-performance simulation, which is held to its own respective license. For more information about licenses of included components, see the the Notice.