This service provides a CRUD API to manage instances of Kit application streams.
To view values via helm use helm show values
NOTE: There are global values.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
global.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
Global image pull secrets used within the services. |
global.ingress.annotations | object | {"":"nginx"} |
Global Ingress annotations. | | string | "" |
Global Ingress host. |
global.ingress.paths | list | [] |
Global Ingress paths. |
global.ingress.tls | list | [] |
Global Ingress tls. |
global.transportHost | string | "" |
Specify the services transport host. For IPv6 use "::". |
streaming.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity for pod assignment. |
streaming.env | object | {} |
Env for the container of the service. |
streaming.fullnameOverride | string | "streaming" |
Full override .fullname template |
streaming.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Image pull policy. |
streaming.image.repository | string | "" |
Image repository. |
streaming.image.tag | string | "1.8.1" |
Image tag. |
streaming.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
Image Pull Secrets |
streaming.ingress.enabled | bool | true |
Enables the creation of Ingress resource. |
streaming.ingress.path | string | "/" |
Path for ingress. |
streaming.ingress.pathType | string | "Prefix" |
Path Type for ingress. |
streaming.livenessProbe | object | {"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"},"initialDelaySeconds":5,"periodSeconds":3} |
LivenessProbe for the service. NOTE: service must have an endpoint as specified by the "path" |
streaming.logLevel | string | "INFO" |
Log level for the application (valid levels; INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR) |
streaming.monitoring.enabled | bool | false |
Enables the creation of ServiceMonitor resource. |
streaming.monitoring.prometheusNamespace | string | "monitoring" |
Prometheus namespace. | | string | "streaming" |
streaming.nameOverride | string | "" |
Partially override .fullname template (maintains the release name) |
streaming.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment. |
streaming.podAnnotations | object | {} |
Pod annotations. |
streaming.podSecurityContext | object | {"runAsNonRoot":false} |
Security Context. |
streaming.readinessProbe | object | {"httpGet":{"path":"/ready","port":"http"},"initialDelaySeconds":5,"periodSeconds":3} |
readinessProbe for the service. NOTE: service must have an endpoint as specified by the "path" |
streaming.replicaCount | int | 1 |
Number of replicas. |
streaming.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"500m","ephemeral-storage":"2Gi","memory":"512Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","ephemeral-storage":"1Gi","memory":"256Mi"}} |
Container resource requests and limits. |
streaming.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 5 |
streaming.securityContext | object | {} |
Security Context. |
streaming.service.containerPort | int | 8080 |
Container port. | | string | "streaming" |
Name of the service. |
streaming.service.port | int | 80 |
Service port. |
streaming.service.portName | string | "http" |
Port name. |
streaming.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Kubernetes service type. |
streaming.serviceConfig | object | {"backend_applications_resolver_url":"","backend_csp_args":{},"backend_csp_cls":"nv.svc.streaming._csp.Generic","backend_rmcp_url":"","logging":{"level":"INFO","production_mode":true},"metrics":{"collector_url":"","enable_metrics_middleware":true,"export_interval_s":15,"export_metrics_to_collector":false,"export_metrics_to_console":false,"secure":false},"prefix_url":"","root_path":"","session_capacity":-1,"session_identifier":"","session_labels":{"app":"kit","environment":"production","type":"streaming"},"session_namespace":""} |
Configuration specific to this service. |
streaming.serviceConfig.backend_applications_resolver_url | string | "" |
Application runtime backend URL |
streaming.serviceConfig.backend_csp_args | object | {} |
CSP Customation manager arguments |
streaming.serviceConfig.backend_csp_cls | string | "nv.svc.streaming._csp.Generic" |
CSP customisation manager |
streaming.serviceConfig.backend_rmcp_url | string | "" |
Resource management control plane backend URL |
streaming.serviceConfig.logging.level | string | "INFO" |
Log level for the application (valid levels; INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR) |
streaming.serviceConfig.metrics | object | {"collector_url":"","enable_metrics_middleware":true,"export_interval_s":15,"export_metrics_to_collector":false,"export_metrics_to_console":false,"secure":false} |
Metrics related settings. |
streaming.serviceConfig.prefix_url | string | "" |
URL prefix for the service. |
streaming.serviceConfig.root_path | string | "" |
Root Path for the application. NOTE: useful when behind a proxy. |
streaming.serviceConfig.session_capacity | int | -1 |
Maximum amount of sessions to spawn. default of -1 means unlimited sessions |
streaming.serviceConfig.session_identifier | string | "" |
Name of the session. If not set will default to the session id |
streaming.serviceConfig.session_labels | object | {"app":"kit","environment":"production","type":"streaming"} |
Session labels to apply to the helm release |
streaming.serviceConfig.session_namespace | string | "" |
Default namespace into which to deploy streaming sessions. If not set will default to session id |
streaming.startupProbe | object | {"httpGet":{"path":"/startup","port":"http"},"initialDelaySeconds":5,"periodSeconds":3} |
startupProbe for the service. NOTE: service must have an endpoint as specified by the "path" |
streaming.tolerations | list | [] |
Tolerations for pod assignment. |
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