Linux / amd64
Morpheus allows teams to build their own optimized pipelines that address cybersecurity and information security use cases. Morpheus provides development capabilities around dynamic protection, real-time telemetry, adaptive policies, and cyber defenses for detecting and remediating cybersecurity threats.
Docker imagePre-built Morpheus Docker images can be downloaded from NGC. The runtime
image includes pre-installed Morpheus and its dependencies:
docker pull
There is also a Helm chart for deploying the Morpheus runtime container as a pod into a Kubernetes cluster.
Note: You must log into the NGC public catalog to download the Morpheus image. For more information see this guide for accessing NGC.
There are two CalVer tags for the Morpheus runtime image that is published to NGC but they ultimately refer to the same latest digest for a release image:
This is something of a technical detail but allows for the tag used by the Helm charts to always point to the latest version which may be a point release or hotfix from the same CalVer release. Thus, a hotfix image release doesn't necessarily require a new Helm chart update for the same CalVer release.
If you choose to run the Morpheus runtime image directly without Kubernetes, you will need to ensure that Docker has been properly configured for including the NVIDIA Container Runtime. This can be specified as either the default runtime or explicitly like this:
docker run --rm -ti --runtime=nvidia --gpus=all $ANY_OTHER_DOCKER_ARGS bash
More detailed instructions for this mode can be found in the Getting Started Guide on GitHub.
Morpheus provides Kubernetes Helm charts for deploying a basic Kafka cluster, a single Triton Inference Server, and an MLflow server. These are also available in NGC.
The Morpheus pipeline can be configured in two ways:
)See the examples
directory in the GitHub repo for examples on how to configure a pipeline via Python.
The provided CLI (morpheus
) is capable of running the included tools as well as any linear pipeline.
Usage: morpheus [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Main entry point function for the CLI.
--debug / --no-debug [default: no-debug]
Specify the logging level to use. [default:
--log_config_file FILE Config file to use to configure logging. Use
only for advanced situations. Can accept
both JSON and ini style configurations
--plugin TEXT Adds a Morpheus CLI plugin. Can either be a
module name or path to a python module
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
run Run one of the available pipelines
tools Run a utility tool
Usage: morpheus run [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Run subcommand, used for running a pipeline
--num_threads INTEGER RANGE Number of internal pipeline threads to use [default: 64; x>=1]
--pipeline_batch_size INTEGER RANGE
Internal batch size for the pipeline. Can be much larger than the model batch size. Also used for Kafka consumers [default: 256;
--model_max_batch_size INTEGER RANGE
Max batch size to use for the model [default: 8; x>=1]
--edge_buffer_size INTEGER RANGE
The size of buffered channels to use between nodes in a pipeline. Larger values reduce backpressure at the cost of memory.
Smaller values will push messages through the pipeline quicker. Must be greater than 1 and a power of 2 (i.e. 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.)
[default: 128; x>=2]
--use_cpp BOOLEAN [Deprecated] Whether or not to use C++ node and message types or to prefer python. Only use as a last resort if bugs are
encountered. Cannot be used with --use_cpu_only [default: True]
--use_cpu_only Whether or not to run in CPU only mode, setting this to True will disable C++ mode. Cannot be used with --use_cpp
--manual_seed INTEGER RANGE Manually seed the random number generators used by Morpheus, useful for testing. [x>=1]
--help Show this message and exit.
pipeline-fil Run the inference pipeline with a FIL model
pipeline-nlp Run the inference pipeline with a NLP model
pipeline-other Run a custom inference pipeline without a specific model type
Usage: morpheus run pipeline-fil [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...
Configure and run the pipeline. To configure the pipeline, list the stages in the order that data should flow. The output of each stage will become the input for
the next stage. For example, to read, classify and write to a file, the following stages could be used
pipeline from-file --filename=my_dataset.json deserialize preprocess inf-triton --model_name=my_model --server_url=localhost:8001 filter --threshold=0.5 to-file
Pipelines must follow a few rules: 1. Data must originate in a source stage. Current options are `from-file` or `from-kafka` 2. A `deserialize` stage must be
placed between the source stages and the rest of the pipeline 3. Only one inference stage can be used. Zero is also fine 4. The following stages must come after
an inference stage: `add-class`, `filter`, `gen-viz`
--model_fea_length INTEGER RANGE
Number of features trained in the model [default: 18; x>=1]
--label TEXT Specify output labels. Ignored when --labels_file is specified [default: mining]
--labels_file DATA FILE Specifies a file to read labels from in order to convert class IDs into labels. A label file is a simple text file where each
line corresponds to a label. If unspecified the value specified by the --label flag will be used.
--columns_file DATA FILE Specifies a file to read column features.
--viz_file FILE Save a visualization of the pipeline at the specified location
--viz_direction [BT|LR|RL|TB] Set the direction for the Graphviz pipeline diagram, ignored unless --viz_file is also specified. [default: LR]
--help Show this message and exit.
add-class Add detected classifications to each message.
add-scores Add probability scores to each message.
buffer (Deprecated) Buffer results.
delay (Deprecated) Delay results for a certain duration.
deserialize Messages are logically partitioned based on the pipeline config's `pipeline_batch_size` parameter.
dropna Drop null data entries from a DataFrame.
filter Filter message by a classification threshold.
from-appshield Source stage is used to load Appshield messages from one or more plugins into a dataframe. It normalizes nested json messages and
arranges them into a dataframe by snapshot and source.
from-arxiv Source stage that downloads PDFs from arxiv and converts them to dataframes.
from-databricks-deltalake Source stage used to load messages from a DeltaLake table.
from-file Load messages from a file.
from-http Source stage that starts an HTTP server and listens for incoming requests on a specified endpoint.
from-http-client Source stage that polls a remote HTTP server for incoming data.
from-kafka Load messages from a Kafka cluster.
from-rss Load RSS feed items into a DataFrame.
inf-identity Perform inference for testing that performs a no-op.
inf-pytorch Perform inference with PyTorch.
inf-triton Perform inference with Triton Inference Server.
mlflow-drift Report model drift statistics to MLflow.
monitor Display throughput numbers at a specific point in the pipeline.
preprocess Prepare FIL input DataFrames for inference.
serialize Includes & excludes columns from messages.
to-elasticsearch This class writes the messages as documents to Elasticsearch.
to-file Write all messages to a file.
to-http Write all messages to an HTTP endpoint.
to-http-server Sink stage that starts an HTTP server and listens for incoming requests on a specified endpoint.
to-kafka Write all messages to a Kafka cluster.
trigger Buffer data until the previous stage has completed.
validate Validate pipeline output for testing.
Usage: morpheus run pipeline-nlp [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...
Configure and run the pipeline. To configure the pipeline, list the stages in the order that data should flow. The output of each stage will become the input for
the next stage. For example, to read, classify and write to a file, the following stages could be used
pipeline from-file --filename=my_dataset.json deserialize preprocess inf-triton --model_name=my_model --server_url=localhost:8001 filter --threshold=0.5 to-file
Pipelines must follow a few rules: 1. Data must originate in a source stage. Current options are `from-file` or `from-kafka` 2. A `deserialize` stage must be
placed between the source stages and the rest of the pipeline 3. Only one inference stage can be used. Zero is also fine 4. The following stages must come after
an inference stage: `add-class`, `filter`, `gen-viz`
--model_seq_length INTEGER RANGE
Limits the length of the sequence returned. If tokenized string is shorter than max_length, output will be padded with 0s. If the
tokenized string is longer than max_length and do_truncate == False, there will be multiple returned sequences containing the
overflowing token-ids. Default value is 256 [default: 256; x>=1]
--label TEXT Specify output labels.
--labels_file DATA FILE Specifies a file to read labels from in order to convert class IDs into labels. A label file is a simple text file where each
line corresponds to a label.Ignored when --label is specified [default: data/labels_nlp.txt]
--viz_file FILE Save a visualization of the pipeline at the specified location
--viz_direction [BT|LR|RL|TB] Set the direction for the Graphviz pipeline diagram, ignored unless --viz_file is also specified. [default: LR]
--help Show this message and exit.
add-class Add detected classifications to each message.
add-scores Add probability scores to each message.
buffer (Deprecated) Buffer results.
delay (Deprecated) Delay results for a certain duration.
deserialize Messages are logically partitioned based on the pipeline config's `pipeline_batch_size` parameter.
dropna Drop null data entries from a DataFrame.
filter Filter message by a classification threshold.
from-arxiv Source stage that downloads PDFs from arxiv and converts them to dataframes.
from-databricks-deltalake Source stage used to load messages from a DeltaLake table.
from-doca-convert A source stage used to receive raw packet data from a ConnectX-6 Dx NIC.
from-doca-source A source stage used to receive raw packet data from a ConnectX-6 Dx NIC.
from-file Load messages from a file.
from-http Source stage that starts an HTTP server and listens for incoming requests on a specified endpoint.
from-http-client Source stage that polls a remote HTTP server for incoming data.
from-kafka Load messages from a Kafka cluster.
from-rss Load RSS feed items into a DataFrame.
gen-viz (Deprecated) Write out visualization DataFrames.
inf-identity Perform inference for testing that performs a no-op.
inf-pytorch Perform inference with PyTorch.
inf-triton Perform inference with Triton Inference Server.
mlflow-drift Report model drift statistics to MLflow.
monitor Display throughput numbers at a specific point in the pipeline.
preprocess Prepare NLP input DataFrames for inference.
serialize Includes & excludes columns from messages.
to-elasticsearch This class writes the messages as documents to Elasticsearch.
to-file Write all messages to a file.
to-http Write all messages to an HTTP endpoint.
to-http-server Sink stage that starts an HTTP server and listens for incoming requests on a specified endpoint.
to-kafka Write all messages to a Kafka cluster.
trigger Buffer data until the previous stage has completed.
validate Validate pipeline output for testing.
Usage: morpheus run pipeline-other [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...
Configure and run the pipeline. To configure the pipeline, list the stages in the order that data should flow. The output of each stage will become the input for
the next stage. For example, to read, classify and write to a file, the following stages could be used
pipeline from-file --filename=my_dataset.json deserialize preprocess inf-triton --model_name=my_model --server_url=localhost:8001 filter --threshold=0.5 to-file
Pipelines must follow a few rules: 1. Data must originate in a source stage. Current options are `from-file` or `from-kafka` 2. A `deserialize` stage must be
placed between the source stages and the rest of the pipeline 3. Only one inference stage can be used. Zero is also fine 4. The following stages must come after
an inference stage: `add-class`, `filter`, `gen-viz`
--model_fea_length INTEGER RANGE
Number of features trained in the model [default: 1; x>=1]
--label TEXT Specify output labels. Ignored when --labels_file is specified
--labels_file DATA FILE Specifies a file to read labels from in order to convert class IDs into labels. A label file is a simple text file where each
line corresponds to a label.
--viz_file FILE Save a visualization of the pipeline at the specified location
--viz_direction [BT|LR|RL|TB] Set the direction for the Graphviz pipeline diagram, ignored unless --viz_file is also specified. [default: LR]
--help Show this message and exit.
add-class Add detected classifications to each message.
add-scores Add probability scores to each message.
buffer (Deprecated) Buffer results.
delay (Deprecated) Delay results for a certain duration.
deserialize Messages are logically partitioned based on the pipeline config's `pipeline_batch_size` parameter.
dropna Drop null data entries from a DataFrame.
filter Filter message by a classification threshold.
from-arxiv Source stage that downloads PDFs from arxiv and converts them to dataframes.
from-databricks-deltalake Source stage used to load messages from a DeltaLake table.
from-file Load messages from a file.
from-http Source stage that starts an HTTP server and listens for incoming requests on a specified endpoint.
from-http-client Source stage that polls a remote HTTP server for incoming data.
from-kafka Load messages from a Kafka cluster.
from-rss Load RSS feed items into a DataFrame.
inf-identity Perform inference for testing that performs a no-op.
inf-pytorch Perform inference with PyTorch.
inf-triton Perform inference with Triton Inference Server.
mlflow-drift Report model drift statistics to MLflow.
monitor Display throughput numbers at a specific point in the pipeline.
serialize Includes & excludes columns from messages.
to-elasticsearch This class writes the messages as documents to Elasticsearch.
to-file Write all messages to a file.
to-http Write all messages to an HTTP endpoint.
to-http-server Sink stage that starts an HTTP server and listens for incoming requests on a specified endpoint.
to-kafka Write all messages to a Kafka cluster.
trigger Buffer data until the previous stage has completed.
validate Validate pipeline output for testing.
Usage: morpheus tools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
autocomplete Utility for installing/updating/removing shell completion for Morpheus
onnx-to-trt Converts an ONNX model to a TRT engine
Usage: morpheus tools autocomplete [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
install Install the Morpheus shell command completion
show Show the Morpheus shell command completion code
Usage: morpheus tools onnx-to-trt [OPTIONS]
--input_model PATH [required]
--output_model PATH [required]
--batches <INTEGER INTEGER>... [required]
--seq_length INTEGER [required]
--max_workspace_size INTEGER [default: 16000]
--help Show this message and exit.
NOTE: The conversion tooling requires installing additional packages specified in the conda/environments/model-utils_cuda-125_arch-x86_64.yaml
file. To install these packages, run the following command:
conda env update --solver=libmamba \
--file ./conda/environments/model-utils_cuda-125_arch-x86_64.yaml
NVIDIA has observed false positive identification, by automated vulnerability scanning tools, of packages against National Vulnerability Database (NVD) security bulletins and GitHub Security Advisories (GHSA). This can happen due to package name collisions (e.g., Mamba Boa with GPG Boa, python docker SDK with docker core). NVIDIA is committed to providing the highest quality software distribution to our customers.
Morpheus is distributed as open source software under the Apache Software License 2.0.
NVIDIA AI Enterprise provides global support for NVIDIA AI software, including Morpheus. For more information on NVIDIA AI Enterprise please consult this overview and the NVIDIA AI Enterprise End User License Agreement.