Vista3D model fintuning/evaluation/inference pipeline. VISTA3D is trained using over 20 partial datasets with more complicated pipeline. To avoid confusion, we will only provide finetuning/continual learning APIs for users to finetune on their own datasets.
For continual learning, user can change configs/train_continual.json
. More advanced users can change configurations in configs/train.json
. The hyperparameters in configs/train_continual.json
will overwrite ones in configs/train.json
. Most hyperparameters are straighforward and user can tell based on their names. We list hyperparameters that needs to be modified.
The spleen Task from the Medical Segmentation Decathalon is selected as an example to show how to continuous learning. Users can find more details on the datasets at
To train with other datasets, users need to provide a json data split for training and continuous learning (configs/msd_task09_spleen_folds.json
is an example for reference). The data split should meet the following format ('testing' labels are optional):
"training": [
{"image": "img0001.nii.gz", "label": "label0001.nii.gz", "fold": 0},
{"image": "img0002.nii.gz", "label": "label0002.nii.gz", "fold": 2},
"testing": [
{"image": "img0003.nii.gz", "label": "label0003.nii.gz"},
{"image": "img0004.nii.gz", "label": "label0004.nii.gz"},
Note the data is not the absolute path to the image and label file. The actual image file will be `os.path.join(dataset_dir, data["training"][item]["image"])`, where `dataset_dir` is defined in `configs/train_continual.json`. Also 5-fold cross-validation is not required! `fold=0` is defined in train.json, which means any data item with fold==0 will be used as validation and other fold will be used for training. So if you only have 2 data, you can manually set one data to be validation by setting "fold": 0 in its datalist and the other to be training by setting "fold" to any number other than 0.
User can use monai to generate the 5-fold data lists. Full exampls can be found in VISTA3D open source codebase
from import partition_dataset
from monai.bundle import ConfigParser
base_url = "/path_to_your_folder/"
json_name = "./your_5_folds.json"
# create matching image and label lists.
# The code to generate the lists is based on your local data structure.
# You can use glob.glob("**.nii.gz") e.t.c.
image_list = ['images/1.nii.gz', 'images/2.nii.gz', ...]
label_list = ['labels/1.nii.gz', 'labels/2.nii.gz', ...]
items = [{"image": img, "label": lab} for img, lab in zip(image_list, label_list)]
# 80% for training 20% for testing.
train_test = partition_dataset(items, ratios=[0.8, 0.2], shuffle=True, seed=0)
print(f"training: {len(train_test[0])}, testing: {len(train_test[1])}")
# num_partitions-fold split for the training set.
train_val = partition_dataset(train_test[0], num_partitions=5, shuffle=True, seed=0)
print(f"training validation folds sizes: {[len(x) for x in train_val]}")
# add the fold index to each training data.
training = []
for f, x in enumerate(train_val):
for item in x:
item["fold"] = f
# save json file
parser = ConfigParser({})
parser["training"] = training
parser["testing"] = train_test[1]
print(f"writing {json_name}\n\n")
if os.path.exists(json_name):
logger.warning(f"rewrite existing datalist file: {json_name}")
ConfigParser.export_config_file(parser.config, json_name, indent=4)
The core concept of label_mapping is to convert ground-truth label index of each dataset to a unified class index. For example, "Spleen" in MSD09 groundtruth will be represented by 1, while in AbdomenCT-1K it's 3. We unified a global label index (docs/labels.json
) to represent all 132 classes, and create a label mapping to map those local index to this global index. So when a user is training on their own dataset, we need to know this mapping.
The current label mapping [[1, 3]]
indicates that training labels' class indices 1
is mapped
to the VISTA model's class 3
(format [[src_class_0, dst_class_0], [src_class_1, dst_class_1], ...]
). So during inference, "3" is used to segment spleen.
Since it's finetuning, you can map your local class to any global class. If you use [[1,4]], where "4" represents pancreas, the finetuning can still work but requires more training data and epoch because the class "4" is already assigned and trained with pancreas. If you use [[1,3]], where "3" already represents spleen, the finetuning will converge much faster.
For a class that represent the same or similar class as the global index, directly map it to the global index. For example, "mouse left lung" (e.g. index 2 in the mouse dataset) can be mapped to the 28 "left lung upper lobe"(or 29 "left lung lower lobe") with [[2,28]]. After finetuning, 28 now represents "mouse left lung" and will be used for segmentation. If you want to segment 4 substructures of aorta, you can map one of the substructuress to 6 aorta and the rest to any unused classes (class > 132), [[1,6],[2,133],[3,134],[4,135]]. For a completely novel class that none of the VISTA global classes are related, directly map to unused classes (class > 132).
NOTE: Do not map to global index value >= 255. `num_classes=255` in the config only represent the maximum mapping index, while the actual output class number only depends on your label_mapping definition. The 255 value in the inference output is also used to represent 'NaN' value.
and n_val_samples
In train_continual.json
, only n_train_samples
and n_val_samples
are used for training and validation. Remember to change these two values.
The patch size parameter is defined in configs/train_continual.json
: "patch_size": [128, 128, 128]
. For finetuning purposes, this value needs to be changed acccording to user's task and GPU memory. Usually a larger patch_size will give better final results.
The resample_to_spacing parameter is defined in configs/train_continual.json
and it represents the resolution the model will be trained on. The 1.5,1.5,1.5
mm default is suitable for large CT organs, but for other tasks, this value should be changed to achive the optimal performance.
and drop_point_prob
(in train.json)VISTA3D is trained to perform both automatic (class prompts) and interactive point segmentation.
and drop_point_prob
means percentage to remove class prompts and point prompts during training respectively. If drop_point_prob=1
, the
model is only finetuning for automatic segmentation, while drop_label_prob=1
means only finetuning for interactive segmentation. The VISTA3D foundation
model is trained with interactive only (drop_label_prob=1) and then froze the point branch and trained with fully automatic segmentation (drop_point_prob=1
In this bundle, the training is simplified by jointly training with class prompts and point prompts and both of the drop ratio is set to 0.25.
NOTE: If user doesn't use interactive segmentation, set `drop_point_prob=1` and `drop_label_prob=0` in train.json might provide a faster and easier finetuning process.
In train.json
, validate[evaluator][val_head]
can be auto
and point
. If auto
, the validation results will be automatic segmentation. If point
the validation results will be sampling one positive point per object per patch. The validation scheme of combining auto and point is deprecated due to
speed issue.
In train_continual.json
, valid_remap
is a transform that maps the groundtruth label indexes, e.g. [0,2,3,5,6] to sequential and continuous labels [0,1,2,3,4]. This is
required by monai dice calculation. It is not related to mapping label index to VISTA3D defined global class index. The validation data is not mapped
to the VISTA3D global class index.
is used to identify the VISTA model classes for providing training prompts.
is used to identify the original training label classes for computing foreground/background mask during validation.
The default configs for both variables are derived from the label_mappings
config and include [0]
"label_set": "$[0] + list(x[1] for x in @label_mappings#default)"
"val_label_set": "$[0] + list(x[0] for x in @label_mappings#default)"
Note: Please ensure the input data header is correct. The output file will use the same header as the input data, but if the input data is missing header information, MONAI will automatically provide some default values for missing values (e.g. np.eye(4)
will be used if affine information is absent). This may cause a visualization misalignment depending on the visualization tool.
python -m monai.bundle run \
--config_file="['configs/train.json','configs/train_continual.json']" --epochs=320 --learning_rate=0.00005
torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=8 -m monai.bundle run \
--config_file="['configs/train.json','configs/train_continual.json','configs/multi_gpu_train.json']" --epochs=320 --learning_rate=0.00005
Evaluation can be used to calculate dice scores for the model or a finetuned model. Change the ckpt_path
to the checkpoint you wish to evaluate. The dice score is calculated on the original image spacing using invertd
, while the dice score during finetuning is calculated on resampled space.
NOTE: Evaluation does not support point evaluation.`"validate#evaluator#hyper_kwargs#val_head` is always set to `auto`.
python -m monai.bundle run \
torchrun --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=8 -m monai.bundle run \
The label_mapping
in evaluation.json
does not include 0
because the postprocessing step performs argmax (VistaPostTransformd
), and a 0
prediction would negatively impact performance. In continuous learning, however, 0
is included for validation because no argmax is performed, and validation is done channel-wise (include_background=False). Additionally, Relabeld
in postprocessing
is required to map label
and pred
back to sequential indexes like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
for dice calculation, as they are not in one-hot format. Evaluation does not support point
, but finetuning does, as it does not perform argmax.
For inference, VISTA3d bundle requires at least one prompt for segmentation. It supports label prompt, which is the index of the class for automatic segmentation. It also supports point click prompts for binary interactive segmentation. User can provide both prompts at the same time.
All the configurations for inference is stored in inference.json, change those parameters:
defines the image to segment and the prompt for segmentation.
"input_dict": "$[{'image': '/data/Task09_Spleen/imagesTs/spleen_15.nii.gz', 'label_prompt':[1]}]",
"input_dict": "$[{'image': '/data/Task09_Spleen/imagesTs/spleen_15.nii.gz', 'points':[[138,245,18], [271,343,27]], 'point_labels':[1,0]}]"
which contain the absolute path to the nii image file, and includes prompt keys of label_prompt
, points
and point_labels
is a list of length B
, which can perform B
foreground objects segmentation, e.g. [2,3,4,5]
. If B>1
, Point prompts must NOT be provided.points
is of shape [N, 3]
like [[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],...[xN,yN,zN]]
, representing N
point coordinates IN THE ORIGINAL IMAGE SPACE of a single foreground object. point_labels
is a list of length [N] like [1,1,0,-1,...], which
matches the points
. 0 means background, 1 means foreground, -1 means ignoring this point. points
and point_labels
must pe provided together and match length.everything_labels
to segment 117 classes:list(set([i+1 for i in range(132)]) - set([2,16,18,20,21,23,24,25,26,27,128,129,130,131,132]))
together with label_prompts
for "Kidney", "Lung", "Bone" (class index [2, 20, 21]) are not allowed since those prompts will be divided into sub-categories (e.g. left kidney and right kidney). Use points
for the sub-categories as defined in the inference.json
to a value between 133 and 254. Ensure that points
and point_labels
are also provided; otherwise, the inference result will be a tensor of zeros.label_prompt
and label_dict
The label_dict
defined in docs/labels.json
has in total 132 classes. However, there are 5 we do not support and we keep them due to legacy issue. So in total
VISTA3D support 127 classes.
"16, # prostate or uterus" since we already have "prostate" class,
"18, # rectum", insufficient data or dataset excluded.
"130, # liver tumor" already have hepatic tumor.
"129, # kidney mass" insufficient data or dataset excluded.
"131, # vertebrae L6", insufficient data or dataset excluded.
These 5 are excluded in the everything_labels
. Another 7 tumor and vessel classes are also removed since they will overlap with other organs and make the output messy. To segment those 7 classes, we recommend users to directly set label_prompt
to those indexes and avoid using them in everything_labels
. For "Kidney", "Lung", "Bone" (class index [2, 20, 21]), VISTA3D did not directly use the class index for segmentation, but instead convert them to their subclass indexes as defined by subclass
dict. For example, "2-Kidney" is converted to "14-Left Kidney" + "5-Right Kidney" since "2" is defined in subclasss
Note: if the finetuning mapped the local user data index to global index "2, 20, 21", remove the `subclass` dict from inference.json since those values defined in `subclass` will trigger the wrong subclass segmentation.
The optimal inference resample spacing should be changed according to the task. For monkey data, a high resolution of [1,1,1] showed better automatic inference results. This spacing applies to both automatic and interactive segmentation. For zero-shot interactive segmentation for non-human CTs e.g. mouse CT or even rock/stone CT, using original resolution (set resample_spacing
to [-1,-1,-1]) may give better interactive results.
When user click a point, there is no need to perform whole image sliding window inference. Set "use_point_window" to true in the inference.json to enable this function. A window centered at the clicked points will be used for inference. All values outside of the window will set to be "NaN" unless "prev_mask" is passed to the inferer (255 is used to represent NaN). If no point click exists, this function will not be used. Notice if "use_point_window" is true and user provided point clicks, there will be obvious cut-off box artefacts.
Benchmarks on a 16GB V100 GPU with 400G system cpu memory.
Volume size at 1.5x1.5x1.5 mm | 333x333x603 | 512x512x512 | 512x512x768 | 1024x1024x512 | 1024x1024x768 |
RunTime | 1m07s | 2m09s | 3m25s | 9m20s | killed |
The bundle only provides single-gpu inference.
python -m monai.bundle run --config_file configs/inference.json
python -m monai.bundle run --config_file="['configs/inference.json', 'configs/batch_inference.json']" --input_dir="/data/Task09_Spleen/imagesTr" --output_dir="./eval_task09"
by default runs the segment everything workflow (classes defined by everything_labels
) on all (*.nii.gz
) files in input_dir
This default is overridable by changing the input folder input_dir
, or the input image name suffix input_suffix
, or directly setting the list of filenames input_list
python -m monai.bundle run --config_file "['configs/inference.json', 'configs/inference_trt.json']"
By default, the argument head_trt_enabled
is set to false
in configs/inference_trt.json
. This means that the class_head
module of the network will not be converted into a TensorRT model. Setting this to true
may accelerate the process, but there are some limitations:
Since the label_prompt
will be converted into a tensor and input into the class_head
module, the batch size of this input tensor will equal the length of the original label_prompt
list (if no prompt is provided, the length is 117). To make the TensorRT model work on the class_head
module, you should set a suitable dynamic batch size range. The maximum dynamic batch size can be configured using the argument max_prompt_size
in configs/inference_trt.json
. If the length of the label_prompt
list exceeds max_prompt_size
, the engine will fall back to using the normal PyTorch model for inference. Setting a larger max_prompt_size
can cover more input cases but may require more GPU memory (the default value is 4, which requires 16 GB of GPU memory). Therefore, please set it to a reasonable value according to your actual requirements.
to a smaller value such as "patch_size": [96, 96, 96]
would reduce the training/inference memory footprint.train_dataset_cache_rate
and val_dataset_cache_rate
to a smaller value like 0.1
can solve the out-of-cpu memory issue when using huge finetuning dataset."postprocessing#transforms#0#_disabled_": false
to move the postprocessing to cpu to reduce the GPU memory footprint.The vista3d
bundle supports acceleration with TensorRT. The table below displays the speedup ratios observed on an A100 80G GPU. Please note for 32bit precision models, they are benchmarked with tf32 weight format.
method | torch_tf32(ms) | torch_amp(ms) | trt_tf32(ms) | trt_fp16(ms) | speedup amp | speedup tf32 | speedup fp16 | amp vs fp16 |
model computation | 108.53 | 91.9 | 106.84 | 60.02 | 1.18 | 1.02 | 1.81 | 1.53 |
end2end | 6740 | 5166 | 5242 | 3386 | 1.30 | 1.29 | 1.99 | 1.53 |
model computation
means the speedup ratio of model's inference with a random input without preprocessing and postprocessingend2end
means run the bundle end-to-end with the TensorRT based model.torch_tf32
and torch_amp
are for the PyTorch models with or without amp
and trt_fp16
are for the TensorRT based models converted in corresponding precision.speedup amp
, speedup tf32
and speedup fp16
are the speedup ratios of corresponding models versus the PyTorch float32 modelamp vs fp16
is the speedup ratio between the PyTorch amp model and the TensorRT float16 based model.This result is benchmarked under:
Antonelli, M., Reinke, A., Bakas, S. et al. The Medical Segmentation Decathlon. Nat Commun 13, 4128 (2022).
VISTA3D: Versatile Imaging SegmenTation and Annotation model for 3D Computed Tomography. arxiv (2024)
This project includes code licensed under the Apache License 2.0. You may obtain a copy of the License at
The model weights included in this project are licensed under the NCLS v1 License.
Both licenses' full texts have been combined into a single LICENSE
file. Please refer to this LICENSE
file for more details about the terms and conditions of both licenses.