Linux / arm64
Video recording systems collect vast amounts of data, often with sparse but significant events of interest. An event when occurring may prolong for a period of time, but may not merit an extended mention based on its duration of occurrence. These aspects make efficient but effective video summarization an important feature in the overall usefulness of an AI based video system. Generative AI provides an accurate, generalizable technique based on natural language interfaces for performing video summarization that the industry has actively investigated. The video summarization microservice addresses these functional and design requirements that can be leveraged out of the box by users. It's design and functionality is modelled after the Video Search and Summarization (VSS) Agent Blueprint from NVIDIA released for Tesla GPUs.
Usage of the video summarization service involves a 2-step process, achieving API compatibility with the VSS Blueprint. The user first uploads a file through the files API, which returns a handle. The user could then launch summarization functionality through invocation of the summarize API.
The video summarization microservice is based on the NanoLLM framework for NVIDIA Jetson platform.
For more information about this microservice, refer to
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