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CatalogResourcesNova Carter Init

Nova Carter Init

Logo for Nova Carter Init
Nova Carter Init is a Debian package that sets up the sensors and Jetson device on the Nova Carter robot.
Latest Version
November 16, 2023
Compressed Size
1.17 KB

Nova Carter Init

Nova Carter Init is a special configuration of Nova Orin Init that sets up the sensor suite for Nova Carter.

All guides below assume that they are run directly on Nova Carter.

Nova Carter

First Time Setup

If it's your first time installing Nova Carter Init on your Nova Carter follow the link below.

Quick Start Guide (First Time Setup)

NGC Client

Nova Carter Init can be downloaded with the NGC client. Follow the steps below to install it:

  1. Check if the client is installed.

    which ngc
  2. If it's not installed, download and install the NGC client using the following commands.

    wget --content-disposition && unzip && chmod u+x ngc-cli/ngc
    s="export PATH=\"\$PATH:$(pwd)/ngc-cli\""; f="$HOME/.bashrc"; grep -qxF "$s" $f || echo "$s" | tee -a $f && source $f

    NOTE: Official documentation can be found at under "ARM64 Linux"; however, the commands listed there should not be used in this case.

  3. (Optional) Configure the NGC client to give access to Isaac resources. You will need an API key for NGC. If the API key is not already generated follow these steps.

    ngc config set


Follow these steps to download and install Nova Carter Init:

  1. Download Nova Carter Init from NGC using the following command:

    ngc registry resource download-version "nvidia/isaac/nova_carter_init"
  2. Once the nova-carter-init Debian package is downloaded, change directory to the download folder and install it:

    cd $(ls -td nova_carter_init_v* | head -1)
    sudo apt install ./nova-carter-init_*_arm64.deb
  3. Install Nova Orin Init by following these instructions. Skip the step where it asks for a YAML configuration since a Nova Carter YAML is included with this package.


Upgrade Nova Carter Init by referencing the same NGC resource used previously. Whenever a new version is released, it will be updated under the Resources section and can be downloaded with the same installation commands:

ngc registry resource download-version "nvidia/isaac/nova_carter_init"
ngc registry resource download-version "nvidia/isaac/nova_orin"
tar -xvf $(ls -td nova_orin_v* | head -1)/nova-orin.tar.gz -C $(ls -td nova_orin_v* | head -1)
sudo apt install ./$(ls -td nova_carter_init_v* | head -1)/nova-carter-init_*_arm64.deb ./$(ls -td nova_orin_v* | head -1)/nova-orin-init_*_arm64.deb


Nova Carter Init can be removed by running the following:

sudo apt remove nova-*init

The removal of Nova Carter Init will attempt to revert all settings to their original state on the robot.

Additional Resources

Advanced (PFC & Tools & Troubleshooting)


NVIDIA Isaac ROS Software License