Linux / amd64
The OVN Domain Isolation Service is a gRPC server designed to simplify the consumption and management of OVN, an open-source network virtualization platform. This service aims to provide a simplified interface for building and configuring networking components that enable domain isolation within a virtualized or baremetal environment.
Clients, such as orchestration systems, network management tools, or other applications, can interact with the OVN Domain Isolation Service by establishing a gRPC connection and invoking the exposed RPCs. These RPCs may include operations like creating logical networks, configuring routing policies, defining security rules, and managing network isolation domains.
By leveraging the OVN Domain Isolation Service, clients can simplify the process of consuming OVN's capabilities for network virtualization and domain isolation, without needing to directly interact with OVN's low-level configuration interfaces.
The OVN Domain Service Guide is available User Guide.
Deployment and configuration is availbe Deployment.
DOCA is licensed under the NVIDIA DOCA License. By pulling and using the container, you accept the terms and conditions of this license.
Use the NVIDIA Developers forum for questions regarding this software.