An optimized, robust and self-adapting framework for U-Net based medical image segmentation
The nnU-Net allows training two types of networks: 2D U-Net and 3D U-Net to perform semantic segmentation of 3D images, with high accuracy and performance.
The following figure shows the architecture of the 3D U-Net model and its different components. U-Net is composed of a contractive and an expanding path, that aims at building a bottleneck in its centremost part through a combination of convolution, instance norm and leaky relu operations. After this bottleneck, the image is reconstructed through a combination of convolutions and upsampling. Skip connections are added with the goal of helping the backward flow of gradients in order to improve the training.
Figure 1: The 3D U-Net architecture
This model was trained using script available on NGC and in GitHub repo
The following datasets were used to train this model:
Performance numbers for this model are available in NGC
This model was trained using open-source software available in Deep Learning Examples repository. For terms of use, please refer to the license of the script and the datasets the model was derived from.