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CatalogContainersNVIDIA DevTools Sidecar Injector

NVIDIA DevTools Sidecar Injector

Logo for NVIDIA DevTools Sidecar Injector
Injects NVIDIA DevTools into Kubernetes pods
Latest Tag
March 14, 2024
Compressed Size
101.44 MB
Multinode Support
Multi-Arch Support
1.0.0 (Latest) Security Scan Results
No results available.

DevTools Sidecar Injector Docker Container

The container is used to inject NVIDIA DevTools applications (Nsight Systems/Nsight Compute) into Kubernetes pods to facilitate profiling/analyzing application inside these pods. This solution leverages a Kubernetes dynamic admission controller to inject an init container, volumes with the NVIDIA DevTools application and its configurations, environment variables, and a security context upon the creation or update of pods.

Note that this container is expected to be used in a Kubernetes cluster environment. It is deployed by the NVIDIA DevTools Sidecar Injector Helm Chart.

License Agreements

By pulling and using the container, you accept the terms and conditions of this End User License Agreement.

Suggested Reading

Getting Started with NVIDIA Nsight Systems