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CatalogContainersNsight Systems CLI

Nsight Systems CLI

Logo for Nsight Systems CLI
Containerized NVIDIA Nsight Systems (a system-wide performance analysis tool)
Latest Tag
March 14, 2024
Compressed Size
336.01 MB
Multinode Support
Multi-Arch Support
2024.1.1-ubuntu22.04 (Latest) Security Scan Results
No results available.

NVIDIA Nsight Systems CLI Docker Container

NVIDIA Nsight Systems is a system-wide performance analysis tool designed to visualize an application’s algorithms, identify the largest opportunities to optimize, and tune to scale efficiently across any quantity or size of CPUs and GPUs, from large servers to our smallest system on a chip (SoC).

The NVIDIA Nsight Systems CLI Docker Container is designed to provide users with a seamless environment to run NVIDIA Nsight Systems.


  • Profiling a Kubernetes cluster using NVIDIA DevTools Sidecar Injector for injection.
  • Using as a base container for profiling applications in an isolated environment.
  • Running “nsys stats”/“nsys recipe” on the command line for post-processing and analyzing collected reports across all systems, including MacOS.

Getting Started

Pull the container

  1. From the top-right corner of this page, select the pull-down Get Container and copy the URL to the default container. Alternatively, click on View all tags to select a different container.
  2. Open a command prompt on your Linux compatible system and run the following command. Ensure the pull completes successfully before proceeding to the next step.
docker pull

Run the container

Run the docker container (use the desired container tag in the command line below):

docker run --gpus all -it --rm --privileged -v /hostpath/reports:/reports nsys profile -t osrt -s system-wide --samples-per-backtrace=1 -o /reports/system_wide.nsys-rep sleep 15

License Agreements

By pulling and using the container, you accept the terms and conditions of this End User License Agreement.

Suggested Reading

Getting Started with NVIDIA Nsight Systems