NGC | Catalog
CatalogContainersNGC Data Mover Utility

NGC Data Mover Utility

Logo for NGC Data Mover Utility
The data-mover tool enables users to ingest their datasets into BCP and use them within their assigned ACE.
Latest Tag
October 18, 2023
Compressed Size
8.16 MB
Multinode Support
Multi-Arch Support
1.0 (Latest) Security Scan Results

Linux / amd64

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NGC Data Mover Utility

The data-mover utility enables users to import and export data to/from an NGC ACE. The data will be copied to and from a CSP object store.

Users start a copy job by running an NGC CLI command to begin the data-movement copy job. When ingesting data into BCP, datasets are first copied to a resultset and then converted to a dataset.

In both cases, the user has to provide two inputs in the job they schedule:

  • the source or destination bucket in the CSP
  • access credentials (via BCP SMS)

Visit the NGC CLI docs for more information on how to run the data-mover utility.