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CatalogContainersValidator for NVIDIA GPU Operator

Validator for NVIDIA GPU Operator

Logo for Validator for NVIDIA GPU Operator
Validates NVIDIA GPU Operator components
Latest Tag
April 8, 2024
Compressed Size
167.36 MB
Multinode Support
Multi-Arch Support
v23.9.2-ubi8 (Latest) Security Scan Results

Linux / amd64

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Linux / arm64

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Validator for NVIDIA GPU Operator

NVIDIA GPU Operator manages NVIDIA GPU resources in a Kubernetes cluster and automates tasks related to bootstrapping GPU nodes. Since the GPU is a special resource in the cluster, it requires a few components to be installed before application workloads can be deployed onto the GPU. These components include the NVIDIA drivers (to enable CUDA), Kubernetes device plugin, container runtime and others such as automatic node labelling, monitoring and more.

The Validator for NVIDIA GPU Operator runs as a Daemonset and ensures that all components are working as expected on all GPU nodes. It runs through series of validations via InitContainers for each component and writes out status file as a result under /run/nvidia/validations. These status files allow each component to verify for their dependencies and start in correct order.

License Agreements

An End User License Agreement is included with this product. By pulling and using the containers from NGC, you accept the terms and conditions of this license.

  • The source code for the components in the container, including the Dockerfiles are licensed under Apache 2.0.

NVIDIA AI Enterprise Support

This product is supported when deployed by the NVIDIA GPU Operator.