This bare metal installer for Ubuntu 18.04 is only valid for Parabricks container versions below 4.0.0-1. This will not be supported in future versions.
NOTE: There are two tags for every release. If you are using an Ampere GPU, please use the tag ending in "_ampere"; otherwise, please use the other tag with no ampere in the name.
Nvidia Clara Parabricks is an accelerated compute framework that supports applications across the genomics industry, primarily supporting analytical workflows for DNA, RNA, and somatic mutation detection applications. With industry leading compute times, Parabricks rapidly converts a FASTQ file to a VCF using multiple, industry validated variant callers and also includes the ability to QC and annotate those variants. As Parabricks is based upon publicly available tools, results are easy to verify and combine with other publicly available datasets.
More information is available on the Clara Parabricks Product Page.
Detailed installation, usage, and tuning information is available in the Parabricks user guide.
An End User License Agreement is included with this product. By pulling and using the Parabricks container you accept the terms and conditions of this license.