Cheminformatics resource is a collection of scripts and configuration to bringing up Cheminformatices application. The application itself requires two images available at NGC:
Please refer documentation at Cheminformatics image for features.
Please refer Recommendations for Cloud Provisioning section for suggested images in cloud platforms.
ngc registry resource download-version "nvidia/clara/cheminformatics:0.1.5"
chmod +x launch
Initial setup will be slow because the tool will download ChEMBLE Database(v27) and the models used in the application.
Please use .env file to change SUBNET and IP's used by the container. docker-compose is used to orchestrate the containers.
The following are some recommendations while provisioning in the cloud:
Marketplace Image: NVIDIA GPU-Optimized Image for Deep Learning, ML & HPC
Please make sure the user is added to docker group. Rebooting the instance may be required.
Community AMI: Deep Learning AMI GPU CUDA 11.1.1 (Ubuntu 20.04)