Linux / amd64
This tool applies an accelerated GATK GenotypeGVCFs for joint genotyping, converting from g.vcf format to regular VCF format. This utilizes the HaplotypeCaller genotype likelihoods, produced with the -ERC GVCF flag, to joint genotype on one or more (multi-sample) g.vcf files.
For further information visit the genotypegvcf help page.
# This command assumes all the inputs are in <INPUT_DIR> and all the outputs go to <OUTPUT_DIR>.
$ docker run --rm --gpus all --volume <INPUT_DIR>:/workdir --volume <OUTPUT_DIR>:/outputdir
-w /workdir \<VERSION-TAG> \
pbrun genotypegvcf \
--ref /workdir/${REFERENCE_FILE} \
--in-gvcf /workdir/${INPUT_GVCF_FILE} \
--out-vcf /outputdir/${OUTPUT_VCF}