To install the NGC CLI please refer to the NGC CLI Installation Instructions
$ ngc registry resource download-version "nvidia/aiworkflows/retail-shopping-advisor-codebase:0.2"
Getting files to download...
Duration taken: 5s
cd retail-shopping-advisor-codebase_v0.2
export NGC_CLI_API_KEY="<Set the NGC API KEY>”
export NOTEBOOKS_DIR=$(pwd)/notebooks
export DATA_DIR=$(pwd)/data
You will need to change the “mode” or the “embedding_mode” setting. To begin with, change the “embedding_mode” value to “endpoint”. With this configuration, the docker compose file used in the next step is docker-compose.yaml.
When you change the “mode” value to “nim”, the docker compose used in the next step is docker-compose-nims.yaml.
cat chatbot-service/fastapi/config.yaml
openai: False
mode: "endpoint"
nim_model_name: "meta/llama3-8b-instruct"
nim_base_url: "http://llm:8000/v1"
milvus_url: "http://milvus:19530"
endpoint_model_name: "meta/llama3-70b-instruct"
csv_name: "gear-store.csv"
top_k: 2
temperature: 0
top_p: 0.5
max_tokens: 1024
sim_coeff: 0.3
embedding_mode: "nim"
nim_embedding_model_name: "nv-embedqa-e5-v5"
nim_embedding_base_url: "http://embedding:8000/v1"
embedding_model_name: "NV-Embed-QA"
docker login
Username: $oauthtoken
docker-compose -f <docker compose file from the previous step> up -d
The docker compose results in the creation of the services for frontend service, the jupyter lab service and the backend API
In case the docker compose file used was ““docker-compose-nims.yaml”, then 2 additional services will be deployed. These correspond to the 2 NIMs deployed.
You can now edit the code and redeploy the containers to suit your specific requirements.
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Learn more about how to use NVIDIA NIM microservices for RAG through our Deep Learning Institute. Access the course here.
Contact NVIDIA to learn more about how you can purchase NVIDIA AI Enterprise for your production deployment.
By downloading or using NVIDIA NIM inference microservices included in the retail shopping advisor workflow you agree to the terms of the NVIDIA Software License Agreement and Product-specific Terms for AI products.
By downloading or using the product catalog in the retail shopping advisor workflow you agree to the terms of the NVIDIA Asset License.
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