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Warp Drive Tutorials

Logo for Warp Drive Tutorials
WarpDrive is a flexible, lightweight, and easy-to-use open-source reinforcement learning (RL) framework that implements end-to-end multi-agent RL on a single or multiple GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit).
Latest Version
February 27, 2024
Compressed Size
3.73 MB

WarpDrive: Extremely Fast End-to-End Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning on a GPU

WarpDrive is a flexible, lightweight, and easy-to-use open-source reinforcement learning (RL) framework that implements end-to-end multi-agent RL on a single or multiple GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit).

Using the extreme parallelization capability of GPUs, WarpDrive enables orders-of-magnitude faster RL compared to CPU simulation + GPU model implementations. It is extremely efficient as it avoids back-and-forth data copying between the CPU and the GPU, and runs simulations across multiple agents and multiple environment replicas in parallel. WarpDrive also provides the auto scaling tools to achieve the optimal throughput per device (version 1.3), to perform the distributed asynchronous training among multiple GPU devices (version 1.4), to combine multiple GPU blocks for one environment replica (version 1.6). Together, these allow the user to run thousands of concurrent multi-agent simulations and train on extremely large batches of experience, achieving over 100x throughput over CPU-based counterparts.

Testing the Tutorials:

Familiarize yourself with WarpDrive by running these four tutorials using quick deploy feature. To help you get started, we have created a sample Jupyter Notebook that can be easily deployed on Vertex AI using NGC’s One Click Deploy feature. This feature automatically sets up the Vertex AI instance with an optimal configuration, preloads the dependencies, runs the software from NGC without any need to set up the infrastructure.

Simply click on the button that reads “Deploy to Vertex AI” and follow the instructions.

Note: A customized kernel for the Jupyter Notebook is used as the primary mechanism for deployment. This kernel has been built on the TAO Toolkit container. For more information on the container itself, please refer to this link for more information:

The container version: