A release of Triton for RHEL 8 aarch64 compatibility is provided as a zip file: tritonserver2.52.0-rhel8-aarch64-compat-beta.zip
This release was compiled with AlmaLinux 8.9 to be compatible with RHEL 8 and above and is considered Early Access. See the included README.md for complete details about installation, verification, and support. This release supports TensorFlow 2.17.0, TensorRT, Onnx Runtime 1.19.2, PyTorch 2.6.0a0+df5bbc09d1, Python 3.12 as well as ensembles. Some optional backend features such as the PyTorch backend's TorchTRT extension are not currently supported.
The zip file contains the Tritonserver executable and shared libraries to run the server.