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CatalogResourcesMerlin HugeCTR Jupyter Notebooks

Merlin HugeCTR Jupyter Notebooks

Logo for Merlin HugeCTR Jupyter Notebooks
This resource is a collection of Jupyter notebook examples to provide training example for NVIDIA Merlin.
Latest Version
February 27, 2024
Compressed Size
77.02 KB

These example notebooks demonstrate how to use NVTabular with HugeCTR. Each example provides details about the end-to-end workflow, which includes Download data, ETL, and Training.

Each example notebook is structured as follows:

  1. 01-Download-Convert.ipynb: Demonstrates how to download the dataset and convert it into the correct format so that it can be consumed.
  2. 02-ETL-with-NVTabular.ipynb: Demonstrates how to execute the preprocessing and feature engineering pipeline (ETL) with NVTabular on the GPU.
  3. 03-Training-with-HugeCTR.ipynb: Demonstrates how to train a model with HugeCTR based on the ETL output.

Reading the notebook without leaving NGC

If you want to read through the notebook example without leaving our website, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the File Browser tab of the asset in NGC
  2. Select the version you'd like to see
  3. Next to the .ipynb file select "View Jupyter"
  4. There you have it! You can read a notebook for documentation and copy code samples without ever leaving NGC.
  5. All the instructions you need to get started are in the resource - so head over and see how to get up and running.