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CatalogContainersVideo Effects Client

Video Effects Client

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Command line client is a containerized executable that enables validating various features offered by Video Effects Microservice.
Latest Tag
November 9, 2023
Compressed Size
361.1 MB
Multinode Support
Multi-Arch Support
1.1.0 (Latest) Security Scan Results

Linux / amd64

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What is Video Effects Client?

Video Effects Client is a containerized executable which enables validating various features offered by Video Effects Microservice. The client expects that a Video Effects server is running. GPU is required to run this command line client application.


Video Effects client supports the Linux x86_64 architecture.

Before you can use client application, ensure that you meet following prerequisites:

  • Ensure you can access and are logged in to NVIDIA NGC. For step-by-step instructions, refer to the NGC Getting Started Guide.
  • Verify that you can access to an NVIDIA Turing™ (preferred is T4) or to an NVIDIA Ampere (preferred are A10 and A100) or to an NVIDIA Ada Lovelace (preferred are L4 and L40) Architecture based GPU.
  • Install Docker with support for NVIDIA GPUs.
Component Required Software
Docker Docker version later than 19.02 with nvidia-docker installed is required. For non-DGX users, Docker verion 19.03 or later is required.
Helm(for kubernetes deployment) Helm charts 3.x
NVIDIA Driver 520+

Running Video Effects Client

Please refer Testing the Microservice using Video Client Application section in Video Effects Quick Start Guide(under Resources) for instructions on running the client.

Suggested Reading

Please refer the Video Effects User Guide(under Resources) for a more detailed documentation.


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