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CatalogContainersLive Portrait Client

Live Portrait Client

Logo for Live Portrait Client
Command line client is a containerized executable that enables validating various features offered by Live Portrait Microservice.
Latest Tag
January 18, 2024
Compressed Size
323.1 MB
Multinode Support
Multi-Arch Support
1.1.0 (Latest) Security Scan Results

Linux / amd64

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What is Live Portrait Client?

Live Portrait Client is a containerized executable which enables validating various features offered by Live Portrait Microservice. The client expects that a Live Portrait server is running. Supported GPU is required to run this command line client application.


Live Portrait client supports the Linux x86_64 architecture.

Before you can use client application, ensure that you meet following prerequisites:

  • Ensure you can access and are logged in to NVIDIA NGC. For step-by-step instructions, refer to the NGC Getting Started Guide.
  • Verify that you can access to an NVIDIA Turing™ (preferred is T4) or to an NVIDIA Ampere (preferred are A10 and A100) or to an NVIDIA Ada Lovelace (preferred are L4 and L40) Architecture based GPU.
  • Install Docker with support for NVIDIA GPUs.
Component Required Software
Docker Docker version later than 19.02 with nvidia-docker installed is required. For non-DGX users, Docker verion 19.03 or later is required.
Helm(for kubernetes deployment) Helm charts 3.x
NVIDIA Driver 520+

Running Live-Portrait Client

Please refer Testing the Microservice using Live-Portrait Client Application section in Live Portrait Quick Start Guide(under Resources) for instructions on running the client.

Suggested Reading

Please refer the Live Portrait User Guide(under Resources) for a more detailed documentation.


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