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The AutoDock Suite is a growing collection of methods for computational docking and virtual screening, for use in structure-based drug discovery and exploration of the basic mechanisms of biomolecular structure and function.
Latest Tag
April 1, 2024
Compressed Size
79.01 MB
Multinode Support
Multi-Arch Support


The AutoDock-GPU Suite is a growing collection of methods for computational docking and virtual screening, for use in structure-based drug discovery and exploration of the basic mechanisms of biomolecular structure and function. More info on AutoDock-GPU be located at and official github page

See here for a document describing prerequisites and setup steps for all HPC containers and instructions for pulling NGC containers.

System requirements

Before running the NGC AutoDock-GPU container please ensure your system meets the following requirements.


  • Pascal(sm60), Volta(sm70), or Ampere (sm80) NVIDIA GPU(s)
  • CUDA driver version >= r450, -or- r418, -or- r440


  • Pascal(sm60), Volta(sm70), or Ampere (sm80) NVIDIA GPU(s)
  • CUDA driver version >= r450

Running AutoDock-GPU


autodock_gpu_128wi: primary autodock executable

Command invocation

An example command is:

autodock_gpu_128wi -ffile protein.maps.fld -lfile rand-example.pdbqt -nrun 100 -lsmet ad -resnam CUDAout

The following examples demonstrate how to run the NGC AutoDock-GPU container under the supported runtimes.

Running with docker

Once authenticated the following modes of running are supported:

Command line execution with docker

In order to run the water benchmark: download and permission, the dataset from the AD-GPU_set_of_42. Copy and paste the following script, called into your working directory.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import csv
import glob
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys

def run_all(executable):
  dirlist = glob.glob("data/*")
  for d in dirlist:
      # There's potentially 3 runs to do here, doing 1 to save time.
      for i in range(1):
"{} -ffile protein.maps.fld -lfile rand-{}.pdbqt -nrun 100 -lsmet ad -heuristics 1 -autostop 1 -maxnev 8000000 -resnam CUDAout-{}".format(executable, i, i), shell=True).check_returncode()

def process_file(filename):
    re_ligandname = re.compile(r'^Ligand name: (.+)')
    re_intermolecular = re.compile(r'^(?=.*\bIntermolecular\b).*=(.*)')
    re_internal = re.compile(r'^(?=.*\bInternal\b).*=(.*)')
    ligand = ''
    curr_energy = sys.float_info.max
    best_energy = sys.float_info.max
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            match =
            if match:
                ligand =[2]
            match =
            if match:
                curr_energy = float([0])
            match =
            if match:
                curr_energy = curr_energy + float([0])
                if (curr_energy < best_energy):
                    best_energy = curr_energy
    return best_energy

def check_output(reference_energies):
    results = {}
    err = 0.0
    cnt = 0
    for key, val in reference_energies.items():
        for dlgfile in glob.glob('data/*/CUDAout-*.dlg'):
           best_energy = process_file(dlgfile)
           diff = val - best_energy
           err = err + diff
           cnt = cnt + 1
           except KeyError:
               results[key] = [diff]
    return (err/cnt)

reference_energies = {}
with open('ligand_properties.csv') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    cnt = 0
    for row in reader:
        cnt = cnt + 1
        if cnt == 1:
        # There are some bad ligands for which we have no reference energy
        if row[4] == '':
        reference_energies[row[1]] = float(row[4])

for numwi in [128]:
    meandiff = check_output(reference_energies)
    print('{} : Mean Error: {:.3f}'.format(numwi, meandiff))
    if meandiff > 0.5:

print("Checks passed.")
$ git clone
$ gunzip AD-GPU_set_of_42/data/*/*map.gz
$ docker run -ti --gpus all -v :workdir --workdir /workdir sh -c "./"

Example of successful AutoDock-GPU output:

AutoDock-GPU version: 09773678fc7e39677061d765b767f4bae8930fb7-dirty
CUDA Setup time 2.031275s
(Thread 0 is setting up Job 0)
Running Job #0:
Using heuristics: -lsmet sw -nev 7468504
Local-search chosen method is: swSolis-Wets (sw)
Rest of Setup time 0.037800s
Executing docking runs, stopping automatically after either reaching 0.15 kcal/mol standard deviation of
the best molecules of the last 4 * 5 generations, 27000 generations, or 7468504 evaluations:
Generations |  Evaluations |     Threshold    |  Average energy of best 10%  | Samples |    Best energy
          0 |          150 |   -2.91 kcal/mol |   -4.10 +/-    0.40 kcal/mol |       5 |   -4.82 kcal/mol
          5 |       125155 |   -2.91 kcal/mol |   -5.70 +/-    1.40 kcal/mol |    8066 |  -11.91 kcal/mol
         10 |       250790 |   -5.69 kcal/mol |   -9.55 +/-    0.83 kcal/mol |     490 |  -12.35 kcal/mol
         15 |       377698 |   -9.53 kcal/mol |  -11.80 +/-    0.42 kcal/mol |      52 |  -12.62 kcal/mol
         20 |       505556 |  -11.68 kcal/mol |  -12.42 +/-    0.18 kcal/mol |      14 |  -12.67 kcal/mol
         25 |       633659 |  -12.23 kcal/mol |  -12.48 +/-    0.19 kcal/mol |      16 |  -12.74 kcal/mol
         30 |       762773 |  -12.30 kcal/mol |  -12.59 +/-    0.14 kcal/mol |      16 |  -12.83 kcal/mol
         35 |       892173 |  -12.46 kcal/mol |  -12.73 +/-    0.15 kcal/mol |      14 |  -13.02 kcal/mol
         40 |      1021489 |  -12.57 kcal/mol |  -12.81 +/-    0.13 kcal/mol |      14 |  -13.05 kcal/mol
         45 |      1151059 |  -12.68 kcal/mol |  -12.83 +/-    0.11 kcal/mol |      19 |  -13.06 kcal/mol
         50 |      1280984 |  -12.74 kcal/mol |  -12.84 +/-    0.10 kcal/mol |      13 |  -13.07 kcal/mol
Docking time 3.916151s
                                   Finished evaluation after reaching
                                  -12.80 +/-    0.13 kcal/mol combined.
                                60 samples, best energy   -13.07 kcal/mol.
Shutdown time 0.000570s
Job #0 took 3.955 sec after waiting 3.373 sec for setup
(Thread 0 is processing Job 0)
Run time of entire job set (1 files): 8.413 sec
Savings from multithreading: -2.039 sec
Idle time of execution thread: 4.458 sec
All jobs ran without errors.

Interactive shell with docker

The following command will launch an interactive shell in the AutoDock-GPU container using docker mounting $HOME/data from the underlying system as /data in the container:

$ docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v $HOME/data:/data --workdir /data


  • -it: start the container with an interactive terminal (short for --interactive --tty)
  • --rm: make container ephemeral (removes container on exit)
  • -v $(pwd):/host_pwd: bind mount the current working directory into the container as /host_pwd
  • --gpus all: vanilla docker GPU provisioning
  • --workdir /data: sets working directory inside the container

This should produce a root prompt within the container:


Running with Singularity

Pull the image

Save the NGC AutoDock-GPU container as a local Singularity image file:

$ singularity build autodock.simg docker://

The AutoDock-GPU Singularity image is now saved in the current directory as autodock.simg

Note: Singularity/2.x

In order to pull NGC images with singularity version 2.x and earlier, NGC container registry authentication credentials are required.

To set your NGC container registry authentication credentials:

$ export SINGULARITY_DOCKER_USERNAME='$oauthtoken'

More information describing how to obtain and use your NVIDIA NGC Cloud Services API key can be found here.

Note: Singularity 3.1.x - 3.2.x

There is currently a bug in Singularity 3.1.x and 3.2.x causing the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be incorrectly set within the container environment. As a workaround The LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be unset before invoking Singularity:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" singularity exec ...

Command line execution

In order to run a test benchmark: download, permission, and run the example script from the NGC Examples Repository.

wget ...
chmod +x
singularity run --nv -B ${PWD}:/host_pwd --pwd /host_pwd ./

Example of successful AutoDock-GPU output:

AutoDock-GPU version: 09773678fc7e39677061d765b767f4bae8930fb7-dirty
CUDA Setup time 2.031275s
(Thread 0 is setting up Job 0)
Warning: unknown argument '-maxnev'.
Running Job #0:
Using heuristics: -lsmet sw -nev 7468504
Local-search chosen method is: swSolis-Wets (sw)
Rest of Setup time 0.037800s
Executing docking runs, stopping automatically after either reaching 0.15 kcal/mol standard deviation of
the best molecules of the last 4 * 5 generations, 27000 generations, or 7468504 evaluations:
Generations |  Evaluations |     Threshold    |  Average energy of best 10%  | Samples |    Best energy
          0 |          150 |   -2.91 kcal/mol |   -4.10 +/-    0.40 kcal/mol |       5 |   -4.82 kcal/mol
          5 |       125155 |   -2.91 kcal/mol |   -5.70 +/-    1.40 kcal/mol |    8066 |  -11.91 kcal/mol
         10 |       250790 |   -5.69 kcal/mol |   -9.55 +/-    0.83 kcal/mol |     490 |  -12.35 kcal/mol
         15 |       377698 |   -9.53 kcal/mol |  -11.80 +/-    0.42 kcal/mol |      52 |  -12.62 kcal/mol
         20 |       505556 |  -11.68 kcal/mol |  -12.42 +/-    0.18 kcal/mol |      14 |  -12.67 kcal/mol
         25 |       633659 |  -12.23 kcal/mol |  -12.48 +/-    0.19 kcal/mol |      16 |  -12.74 kcal/mol
         30 |       762773 |  -12.30 kcal/mol |  -12.59 +/-    0.14 kcal/mol |      16 |  -12.83 kcal/mol
         35 |       892173 |  -12.46 kcal/mol |  -12.73 +/-    0.15 kcal/mol |      14 |  -13.02 kcal/mol
         40 |      1021489 |  -12.57 kcal/mol |  -12.81 +/-    0.13 kcal/mol |      14 |  -13.05 kcal/mol
         45 |      1151059 |  -12.68 kcal/mol |  -12.83 +/-    0.11 kcal/mol |      19 |  -13.06 kcal/mol
         50 |      1280984 |  -12.74 kcal/mol |  -12.84 +/-    0.10 kcal/mol |      13 |  -13.07 kcal/mol
Docking time 3.916151s
                                   Finished evaluation after reaching
                                  -12.80 +/-    0.13 kcal/mol combined.
                                60 samples, best energy   -13.07 kcal/mol.
Shutdown time 0.000570s
Job #0 took 3.955 sec after waiting 3.373 sec for setup
(Thread 0 is processing Job 0)
Run time of entire job set (1 files): 8.413 sec
Savings from multithreading: -2.039 sec
Idle time of execution thread: 4.458 sec
All jobs ran without errors.

Interactive shell

The following command will launch an interactive shell in the AutoDock-GPU container using singularity shell:

$ singularity shell --nv -B 


  • --nv: expose the host GPU(s) to the container
  • -B: bind user-defined directory into the container

This should produce a Singularity shell prompt within the container:

Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...

Singularity Autodock.simg:~/example>

Suggested Reading

Autodock main page Autodock wiki Autodock officional github page